Pecan Pie - No Corn Syrup Need an easy pecan pie recipe and don't have corn syrup on hand? Try this recipe! This recipe can easily be made with both pecan halves or pecan pieces, whichever...
Pecan No Bake Cookies Are you in charge of the dessert for the holidays? Maybe you are not feeling up to making everything from scratch but do not want to buy store bought cookies,...
Fruit Pizza This fruit pizza with some large halves is a fan favorite! It is simple and fun for all ages to make. Perfect opportunity to get the whole family involved. The best...
Aunt Alma's Pecan Pie Everyone has their favorite pecan pie recipe. This simple, delicious recipe is always our favorite. Did you know this is the recipe we used for the Rocky Comfort Pecan Festival? Aunt Alma's...
Cinnamon Roll Blondies With Pecans Cinnamon Roll Blondies With Pecans are perfect for a snack, dessert or even breakfast! They are sweet but good! INGREDIENTS 1 Box Trader Joe's Blondie Mix3 tablespoons Softened Unsalted Butter1...
Pecan Turtle Brownie Muffins Looking for a great dessert to take to your next gathering and not have to cut and serve? These Pecan Turtle Brownie Muffins are a good one! They are made in...
Pecan Balls A simple but easy and tasty Pecan Ball! INGREDIENTS ½ cup Unsalted Butter, 1 Stick Softened2 tablespoons Granulated Sugar1 cup All Purpose Flour½ cup Chopped Pecans & ½ Cup Pecan...
Turtle Cookies Enjoy these delicious, gooey cookies for the perfect Chocolate Pecan Turtle knock-off. They are the perfect way to get your turtle fix when they are not available for the season! ...
Pecan Sandies Pecan Sandies are a classic! Tried and true, if you will. We love a good sandie around here, and have found this to be our favorite way to make them....
Pecan Cream Icebox Pie Who is ready for another awesome recipe with Noreen's Kitchen? Noreen's Pecan Cream Icebox Pie is the perfect summer treat. Plus, who doesn't like a no bake recipe with pecans?! Noreen...
Ghirardelli Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies Ghirardelli by far makes the best chocolate chips. You can't go wrong with using them in any recipe. When it comes to making chocolate chip cookies, don't re-invent the wheel....
Best Boxed Brownies Ever in a pinch and want a quick dessert that everyone will love? That's where these brownies come in! Everyone loves a good brownie, but that's never achieved by following...